- 2001年-2004年,1066vip威尼斯官网,博士
- 1998年-2001年,南京化工学院,硕士
- 1994年-1998年,南京化工学院,学士
- 2016年-至今,1066vip威尼斯官网,研究员
- 2014年-2016年,1066vip威尼斯官网,副教授
- 2008年-2014年,1066vip威尼斯官网化学化工学院,副教授
- 2004年-2008年,1066vip威尼斯官网化学化工学院,讲师
- 极端环境燃烧; 燃料改性及设计; 飞行器防结冰功能材料; 纳米材料; 功能高分子。
- 国家科技重大专项,18GFA-ZD11-058,飞行器点火性能研究,2017.12-2018.12,50万元,主持, 已结题
- 国家自然科学基金重点项目,91441205,超声速燃烧的激波作用低温稳定燃烧机理及速率耦合控制原理,2015.1-2018.12,310万,第二参与人,已结题
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21274092,基于膦腈的有机无机杂化交联聚合物自组装及其功能化,2013.1-2016.12,80万,主持,已结题
- 国家科技重大专项,12GFZ-DA01-12,功能燃料研究,2012.12-2013.12,80万,主持,已结题
- 国家自然科学基金重点项目,51133003,热固性树脂中纳米尺度上微结构形成及其材料结构与性能关系的基本问题研究,2012.1-2016.12,290万,第二参与人,已结题
- 国家科技重大专项,11GFZ-ZD01-21,新燃料研究,2010.1-2013.12,120万,主持,已结题
- Li Xiaojie; Qin Suyang; HuangXiaobin*; Liu Hong*,Multi-component effect and reaction mechanism for low-temperature ignition of kerosene with composite enhancer, Combustion and Flame, 2019,199: 401~410
- Hong Shiquan; Wang Ruitong; Huang Xiaobin*; Liu Hong, Facile one-step fabrication of PHC/PDMS anti-icing coatings with mechanical properties and good durability,Progress in Organic Coatings, 2019, 135:263~269
- Li Xiaojie; Huang Xiaobin * ; Liu Hong *,A composite-fuel additive design method for n-decane low-temperature ignition enhancement, Combustion and Flame,2018, 188:262~272
- Chen Kuiyong; Huang xiaobin*; Wan Chaoying; Liu Hong,Heteroatom–dope d hollow carbon microspheres based on amphiphilic supramolecular vesicles and highly crosslinked polyphosphazene for high performance supercapacitor electrode materials,Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 222:543~550
- Chen Kuiyong; Huang Xiaobin*; Wan Chaoying; Liu Hong,Oxygen reduction catalysts formed of cobalt phosphide nanoparticles decorated heteroatoms-doped mesoporous carbon nanotube, Chemical Communications,2015,51(37): 7891~7894
- Chen Kuiyong; Huang Xiaobin*; Wan Chaoying; Liu Hong,Heteroatom-doped mesoporous carbon nanofibers based on highly cross-linked hybrid polymeric nanofibers: Facile synthesis and application in an electrochemical supercapacitor,Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 164:85~90
- Chen Kuiyong; Huang Xiaobin*; Wan Chaoying; Liu Hong,Hybrids based on transition metal phosphide (Mn2P, Co2P, Ni2P) nanoparticles and , heteroatom–doped carbon nanotubes for efficient oxygen reduction reaction, RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 92893~92898
- Chen Kuiyong; Wan Chaoying; Wei Wei; Huang Xiaobin* ; Liu Hong, Convenient one-pot approach for the preparation of novel atomically thin two-dimensional polymeric nanosheets and its evolution in aqueous solution,Materials Letters 2015, 139:93~97
- Chen Kuiyong; Wan Chaoying; Wei Wei; Huang Xiaobin* ; Liu Hong, Convenient one-pot approach for the preparation of novel atomically thin two-dimensional polymeric nanosheets and its evolution in aqueous solution,Materials Letters 2015, 139:93~97