- 2013年-2018年,1066vip威尼斯官网,博士
- 2010年-2013年,1066vip威尼斯官网,硕士
- 2006年-2010年,北京科技大学,学士
- 2022年-至今,1066vip威尼斯官网,长聘教轨副教授
- 2018年-2022年,1066vip威尼斯官网,博士后
- 非定常空气动力学与流动控制;飞行器总体与减阻设计;涡动力学理论;涡不稳定性理论与控制。
- 国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持;
- 国家自然科学基金重大计划集成项目子课题,主持;
- 国家博士后科学基金,主持;
- 上海市日常博士后资助计划,主持;
- 国家973项目,主要参与人。
- 2023年
- 吴奕铭,邱思逸,向阳*,刘洪,孤立翼尖涡模态演化特征的实验研究,航空学报,2023年,44(6):127658.
- 2022年
- Z. Q. Li, Y. Xiang*, S. Y. Qin, H. Liu, F. X. Wang, Two models and the generation mechanisms of the drag on an accelerating starting disk, Phys. Fluids, 2022, 34:081908.
- Z. P. Cheng, S. Y. Zhang, Y. Xiang, C. Shao, M. Zhang, H. Liu, Y. C. Chen*, Effect of vortex dynamics and instability characteristics on the induced drag of trailing vortices. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022, 35(9):160-173.
- 2021年
- S. Y. Qin, Z. F. Weng, Z. Q. Li, Y. Xiang*, H. Liu, On the controlled evolution for wingtip vortices of a flapping wing model at bird scale. Aero. Sci. Tech. 2021, 110: 106460.
- Z. P. Cheng, S. Y. Qiu, Y. Xiang*, C. Shao, M. Zhang, H. Liu, Instability characteristics of a co-rotating wingtip vortex pair based on bi-global linear stability analysis, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2021. 34(5):1-16.
- H. Y. Lin, Y. Xiang*, H. Xu, H. Liu, B. Zhang, Lagrangian analysis of the formation and mass transport of compressible vortex rings generated by a shock tube. Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30(3):030501.
- S. Y. Qiu, Z. P. Cheng, H. Xu, Y. Xiang*, H. Liu, On the characteristics and mechanism of perturbation modes with asymptotic growth in trailing vortices. J. Fluid Mech, 2021, 918, A41.
- Y. Xiang*, Z. Q. Li, S. Y. Qin, H. Liu*, Formation number and pinch-off signals of disc vortex ring based on a Lagrangian analysis. Exp. Therm. Fluid. Sci, 2021, 129:110452.
- Y. Xiang, Z. P. Cheng, Y. M. Wu, H. Liu*, F. X. Wang, Scaling analysis on the dynamic and instability characteristics of isolated wingtip vortex, AIAA Journal, 2021, 59(12): 5198-5210.
- Y. Xiang, H. T. Hang, S. Y. Qin*, H. Liu, A scaling for the circulation growth of leading-edge vortex in flapping flight. Acta Mech. Sin. 2021, 37(10):1530-1543.
- Z. P. Cheng, Y. M. Wu, Y. Xiang*, H. Liu, and F. X. Wang, Benefits comparison of vortex instability and aerodynamic performance from different split winglet configurations. Aero. Sci. Tech. 2021, 119:107219.
- 2020年
- L. Qin, Y. Xiang*, H. Y. Lin, H. Liu*, Formation and dynamics of compressible vortex rings generated by a shock tube, Exp. Fluids, 2020, 61:86.
- L. Qin, Y. Xiang*, S. Y. Qin, H. Liu, On the structures of compressible vortex rings generated by the compressible starting jet from converging and diverging nozzle. Aero. Sci. Tech. 2020, 106: 106188.
- L. Qin, Y. Xiang*, H. Liu, Vortex-shock and vortex-vortex interaction in the compressible starting jet from two beveled nozzle. J. Vis. 2021, 24:225-236.
- H. Y. Lin, Y. Xiang*, H. Xu, H. Liu, B. Zhang, Passive scalar mixing induced by the formation of compressible vortex rings. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2020, 36(6):1258-1274.
- Z. P. Cheng, Y. Xiang*, H. Liu, Experimental investigation on the structures and induced drag of wingtip vortices for different wingtip configurations. Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering, 2021, 235(4): 475-487.
- S. Y. Qiu, Y. Xiang*, H. Liu, The evolution of wingtip vortex wandering: stability analysis based on stereo-PIV experiment, Aerospace Systems, 2020, 3:71-77.
- 程泽鹏,邱思逸,向阳*,邵纯,张淼,刘洪,基于全局线性稳定性分析的翼尖双涡不稳定性特征演化机理研究,航空学报,2020, 41(9):123751.
- 2019年
- Z. P. Cheng, S. Y. Qiu, Y. Xiang*, H. Liu, Quantitative features of wingtip vortex wandering based on the linear stability analysis, AIAA Journal, 2019, 57(7):2694-2709.
- 2018年
- Y. Xiang, H. Liu* , S. Y. Qin, A unified energy feature of vortex rings for identifying the pinch-off mechanism. ASME J. Fluid Eng. 2018, 140: 011203.
- Y. Xiang, S. Y. Qin, H. Liu*, Patterns for efficient propulsion during the energy evolution of vortex rings. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 2018, 71:47-58.
- Y. Xiang, H. Lin, B. Zhang, H. Liu* , Quantitative analysis of vortex added-mass and impulse generation during vortex ring formation based on elliptic Lagrangian coherent structures. Experimental thermal and fluid science. 2018, 94:295-303.
- Y. Xiang, S. Y, Qin, W. T. Huang, F. X. Wang, and H. Liu*, Trajectory modes and wake patterns of freely falling plates. Journal of Visualization, 2018, 21: 433-441.
- 《航空科学技术》青年编委
- JFM, POF,EOF、空气动力学学报、实验流体力学等期刊审稿人
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